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"...don't let her fake you out."

These were a few of the wise words of advice given when we googled the question, "How to give a chicken an injection."  Our Americauna hen had a bad cough and the sneezes.  

Poor Minerva had a cold!  It was a nasty one, know the kind, stuffy sinunes and mucus galore.  Our first round of treatment--adding a sulpha-style medicine to the water--although easy to administer, didn't work.  So our second round of treatment required a 5cc shot of terramyacin.  How do you give a chicken a shot?

Our research on Google coached us through the process.  "Give the shot in the breast; have a helper hold the chicken tightly because the shock of the stick of the needle can make her 'squawk like you've hit her straight in the heart!'" Thus the advice about not letting her fake us out.  Minerva was braver than others, I guess; she only wriggled a bit.  The first shot didn't do much, but the 2nd one seemed to taking affect...  at least it seemed that way.  

Despite getting a handle on her cough and showing signs of more energy, Minerva didn't make it.  The infection must have settled in too deeply.  And to make the day even worse, we mysteriously lost Duchess the same day.  Different symptoms, equally baffling cause.  

Rest in peace, girls.  

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Reader Comments (1)

Jeez, was not expecting that. Must admit I got a little verklemmt. Minerva was my favourite.

August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLex

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