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Keeping Score.

This is Duchess. She is the only chicken who has yet to want to start a family. She is patiently brooding three eggs, and has been for five days. They are eggs of our choosing. We took her tiny bantam eggs away, and replaced them with big eggs from some of the chickens we prefer. That probably sounds rather mean but I guess we are just meddlesome that way.

Have not seen a coyote in weeks. And I have been looking.

We have twenty four calves. Fifteen heifers have calved, and we've lost two. Eleven of the cows have calved. Our friend Lex just visited and suggested I explain the difference between cows and heifers. I love suggestions like this, it helps me know what to write about. She was right, of course, so here goes:

A heifer is an immature female cow - the heifers that I am referring to above are first-calf heifers. They are two years old, not fully physically matured, and they're having their first calf; hence the heightened vigilance and care. Next year they will be called second-calf heifers. After that they will be third-calf heifers, and I'm sure you can figure out why. After that they are just cows.

The cows, on the other hand, are fully developed, and have successfully had a calf every year since they were two. Some of our oldest cows are having their tenth calf. Needless to say, they don't need much help. They have this process down pat.


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Reader Comments (2)

Nice idea, Heifer vs Cow Hum,now I do know more. Hope you holding up,not much choice there.
I on the other hand am coasting frantically toward the end of this choir year. Do you worry about the heifers as much as i worry about completing the choir year with no big mishaps? The year ends with a party of course and we are reinstating the traditional Talent show. yes I am singing (term used loosely, Do I have time for at least one vocal lesson?) My surprise to the choir is singing Color my World with my friend playing flute
Now you have some else to think about while looking for coyotes and keeping vigilant eyes out for new mamas
MIss you,by the way hugs.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSue

I was so inspired by your beautiful chickens that I am considering getting a few of my own. I am in love with Minerva! Respectfully requesting one your gorgeous photos of her. I love the way Ella knows each one so well, and yes maybe I should have taken Dude, because he is, well, such a dude!

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLex

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