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Keeping Score

Calving is winding down with only eight left. Of that eight, three are heifers and they are not showing any signs they will be calving anytime soon. 

Joel is half way done with spraying. Don't ask how it's going. Let's just say there have been some issues and leave it at that. 

Duchess is still sitting on her eggs, and yesterday marks twenty one of days of incubation, so if they are going to hatch at all, it should be soon.

The well is drilled. 220 feet deep, static water level is at 142 feet. Produces a paltry three gallons per minute. Time to go to the bank and find seven thousand dollars.

Spring is here. Rain gauges have been deployed. Hope springs eternal.

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Reader Comments (2)

I have been meaning to ask about Duchess!!! Please send her my congratulations. She must be very proud of herself.

Other things to talk about on the well? Joel spraying? what?

April 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLex

I just spent three nights in the bunkhouse. Not sleeping too well in a new environ, I woke up about 4am (5am once with the roosters) and stood outside in my jammies star gazing. I always forget how glorious the stars are out in the country. Ella introduced me to each chicken and showed me the nesting hen. Ella was fearless, putting her hands in so I could see the eggs, ready to hatch the next day as it turned out! Ned talked cows and bulls...I had so many questions about the process of getting the new bull...and he took me to see the work on Joel's house. What a wonderful project.

Thanks so much.....back home in six weeks for GOOD! Penny

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPenny

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