Keeping Score.
Wheat harvest is finished. Eight hundred acres of wheat cut. We encountered several families of pheasants, two does, two antelope, one coyote, one skunk and a single pitch fork tine which pierced a rear combine tire. Oh, and the wheat was good and easy to cut. Several days made it above 100°.
There are now eleven swallow nests in the barn. The pairs from the original nine nests are starting their second batch of eggs.
The cow herd and the heifer herd are together because Trae, the new bull, came through the fence to introduce himself to Deuce. So far, coexistence is peaceful.
Of the two young chickens, one has now clearly demonstrated that he is a rooster. He has found his voice and likes the sound of it.
Stella, Maret's John Deere 7720 combine, came unhinged on the last day of harvest. A pulley tensioner gave out, multiple belts shredded and they, in turn, tore up hydraulic lines and an electrical harness. The combine is now spread out on the shop floor in pieces. Gary went to town this morning to order parts.
Reader Comments (2)
Love the updates, Maret. Give my best to Gary and Joel.
Exceptional photography, what a treat for us visuals!